Welcome to Designing Acres ~ all 72 of them! Tom (Citylogger, as we call him), and I were married 28 years ago and settled here in western New York. Before long, our extended families settled here as well. You know the saying, "If you build it, they will come." Family members, a grill, and a fishing pole, and a party is not far behind.
We have two grown children. Our oldest is married to her favorite tall redhead, and they are awaiting the adoption of their first child. They have a beautiful home and are not too far away - which makes mama happy! We are excited to be grandparents. Our youngest just finished his master's degree in accounting and has recently become a CPA - just like his Dad. He just purchased his first home, and is not too far away either ~ which again, makes mama happy!
We have lived in an apartment, a townhouse, and a "fixer - upper". This is the second home we have built together, and whether you literally build one from the ground up, remodel an older one, or make an apartment cozy.... isn't that what we are all attempting to do ~ "build" a home?
While I'm choosing fabric, paint, pillows, and decorating accessories, Citylogger can be found chipping and shredding tree tops and limbs, and blazing new trails to mulch. There seems to always be a project around here. We both have other "day jobs", however designing, and planning are what we love to do!
I started this blog as a creative outlet and a way for me to document our adventures. My previous documentation might now be considered the "old-fashioned" method of photo albums and scrapbooking!
I started this blog as a creative outlet and a way for me to document our adventures. My previous documentation might now be considered the "old-fashioned" method of photo albums and scrapbooking!
Welcome to our newest nest that we affectionately call "The Farm". Make yourself at home!