Monday, March 12, 2012

What a Weekend!

I had no idea where this past weekend would take me...and maybe it's better to be surprised sometimes.  Because it's the surprises that make life interesting and fun! And honestly, if I knew all this was happening, I'm not sure I would have thought it could all be accomplished.
On Saturday, Kristen called and was painting her kitchen - did you say painting?  If there's painting to be done, I'm there!  I don't want to steal her thunder, so I will only reveal this teensy weensy shot of wall color...

Can you see it up there?  You'll have to read her blog to see more of the reveal.  I just have to say that it looks amazing and like I've said before - still glad to be asked to help!

Now Sunday was a different story....

We grabbed our passports (don't get too excited), hopped in the truck, and went to IKEA!
Dan was in the market for furniture for his new home.  There is so much eye candy in this store that I was completely overwhelmed, but excited to be there at the same time.  We only had a few hours to shop, but I must say, Dan found some great deals.  Thank goodness for Kristen and Andy because they had been there before and knew their way around.  Here are a few shots:

Isn't that light fun?!

I should have taken more pictures, but I was so distracted!  

Here was the parade of carts on our way out - I should mention that this shot was taken right before they closed and we weren't sure that what we had would fit in the truck! If it wasn't going to fit in the truck, it meant returning some of it....and doing all of this before they closed....craziness I tell ya, craziness:)

I was behind them carrying a picture frame.

No worries though:

Very creative problem solving, while Kristen and I went to get food.

I had so much fun with these guys this weekend!   Now I think I will go back to work and relax:)