Sunday, July 29, 2012


I have been trying to "play" more with photography and to see what our camera can do.  I have a lot to learn and there is so much out there to help you ~ I will admit that sometimes it can be very overwhelming! This weekend, we had the chance to spend some quality time with our kids, which means I got to pick my daughter's graphic design brain ~ we think pizza was somewhat of a fair exchange, however her talents are worth a lot more for sure:)
We were playing around with bokeh, defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."
I think it took over 50 shots for us to get what we were hoping for, but I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it.  I'm sure I have a lot more to learn.  Kristen was also giving me a tutorial on photoshop, so I was experimenting with different fonts.

This was a lot of fun!

If you were here, you would have seen us lying on the ground to get this one:

and kneeling in the grass.

You would have wondered what we were doing when we shot this one MANY times.
Me: Kristen, am I doing this right?
Kristen:  Little more to the right, no, left...
The guys on the porch: What in the world are they doing laying in the dirt?
Chloe and Champ - our chocolate labs - were licking my ankles as I was trying to figure this out:)

I think Kristen may have taken this one??

She checked the shot, as did I, and at the same time we exclaimed, "Boom!"

And laughed hysterically!

Yeah, it was a good time, and I'm going to keep practicing. 

And if you come over, and I ask you to stand over by the tree with the sun behind you, well, you'll know what's going on.

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. BOOM! haha! i love it! i think we did pretty darn good with those shots! and look at you... playing around with text colors in photoshop :) Good work!
