Thursday, July 19, 2012

Easy Entertaining

I had the chance to have some friends from work over the other day.  We've been working together for over twenty years.  A couple of us even went to graduate school together.  So, when our building closed and we were all sent to different places, we realized that we'd better schedule time to get together, or we wouldn't see each other.  I didn't want to spend my time worrying about serving - visiting is so much more fun. A little bit of prep ahead of time, and we were all set.  It was another hot day, so I set up a "drink station":

Some fresh lemonade

Also had limes and lemons cut up so guests could help themselves.

This was a pitcher of sangria that went over really well.  I found the recipe here, which is an online magazine that I love!  I cut the recipe in half.  Basically it's the following:

Pour 1 bottle of your favorite white wine into a pitcher ~ I love Eco Domani Pino Grigio
Add 1/2 cup of sugar
Squeeze in juice of 1/2 lime and 1/2 of a lemon
Refrigerate and let this mix together for at least 1hour.
When you take it out, slice up a lemon and lime and add to mixture.  You could also add oranges, but I added a sliced peach instead.
Pour in a bottle of  sparkling water
Add a 1/2 cup of raspberries and serve over ice!

We also had iced tea and white wine, but the Sangria was a hit - very refreshing!

We had all sorts of snacks as well, but wanted to show this cheeseboard.  We got this for Christmas from my brother-in-law - You can write on it with chalk - I suppose you could leave all sorts of messages:)

Fun and easy ~ it was so much more relaxing to have this time with friends when all the prep was done ahead of time.

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