Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chalk Paint Chairs - Sneak Peak

I have started refinishing the Adirondack chairs that we have with the Annie Sloan chalk paint I mentioned a few days ago.  It.is.a.dream. to work with - not kidding!  There's very little prep to do, and the paint goes on easily.  We did have to clean our chairs beforehand though - they were resting out by the pond and our feathered friends marked them as theirs - time to take them back! Such determination on Citylogger's face!  A man without power tools is like a cowboy without a horse:)

After we washed them, they looked like this:

This was after the first coat of chalk paint - Old White was the first color.

I let that dry and then applied the next coat of Paris Grey - it's a real soft grey with a hint of blue.

I then lightly sanded by hand - just enough for a little of the old white to show through:

This photo below shows a little more detail:

I have to say that the paint was very easy to work with, and it's really smooth to the touch when finished.  I didn't apply the wax that you would use if this were furniture that would go inside.  They recommend that you do not wax furniture that will be out in the elements.  I'll just let the paint cure for a couple of days, and that's it!  I'll show a final pic of where we are putting them when the weather clears - yes - in the middle of all of this we had a downpour! Much needed rain though.

Now, I have to include more pictures of these cuties - they were so close to our fence in the backyard:

Hope your Fourth of July is a good one!

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