Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Paving the Way

When we built our home during the summer of 2011, we moved in at the end of September.  We decided to wait to build the walkways in the front and back of the house. We figured we'd give the ground a chance to settle a bit.  So we just put some crushed stone down as a pathway.
Walkway from the driveway to the front porch

Walkway from the front porch to the driveway

Walkway to the screened porch and the back garage door

Here is the natural stone we've selected:

The stone has various shades of blues, browns, greens, and just plain gorgeousness!!
I think it will look nice with the stone on the front of the house as well.  Then, I get to play in the dirt and plant some more flowers and such - can't wait:)
And notice how all that white stuff from just yesterday, is gone - not complaining though.

I will take more pictures as we go so you can see the progress.  Hoping this will be done by Mother's Day (and Citylogger's birthday), for the party we are planning that weekend.
Stay tuned!

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